Multiplication Game

Test your maths speed

Mathematics game checking how well users know their multiplication table up to 10. Built with HTML, CSS and Javascript. Click on the start/reset button to begin. If playing, the page reloads. If not playing, the button text will change from 'start game' to 'reset game', new questions and answers will generate, the score will be set to 0, the countdown box will show, and time will reduce by one second until no time left. Then a 'game over' message will appear and the button text will change from 'reset game' to 'start game'.

Users can click on any answer box. If not playing, there is no action. If playing and it's the wrong answer a 'try again' box will show for one second. If it's the right answer, the score will increase by one, a 'correct' box will show for one second and new question and answers will generate.

Some of the stylistic and logical elements of the project include: using CSS gradients to style the backgrounds of HTML elements, incorporating box shadows to add 3D effects to the page, using transitions to add nice interactivity and the best user experience, utilising Javascript functions to change the inner HTML of elements, show and hide elements, and create timing events.